Is die isolasiemateriaalvan die motor bepaal deur die grootte van die stroom of die spanning?
Isolasie materiaalis 'n belangrike sleutelmateriaal vir motorprodukte. Motors met verskillende spanningsvlakke het groot verskille in die isolasiestruktuur van hul windings en hul sleutelkomponente. Byvoorbeeld, die isolasiestruktuur van hoëspanningmotor- en laespanningmotorwikkelings is baie anders. .
When the motor winding current is too large, the higher current density will cause the winding resistance to increase and cause serious heat generation. The heat generated by the motor will be dissipated through the insulation. When the heat reaches a certain level, the structure of the insulating material will undergo qualitative changes, such as the motor The performance requirements of different insulation grades such as B, F, and H involved in the table correspond to the maximum working temperature that the isolerende materiaalkan weerstaan.
For the motor winding, the insulation requirements between turns and turns, between different phases of a multi-phase motor, and between the conductor and the ground are involved. When the rated voltage of the motor is higher, the voltage of the winding insulation is also higher, which can be simply Think of this as different capacitors. If the voltage between the capacitors is too high, it will lead to the problem of capacitor breakdown, that is, the insulation failure of the motor winding to ground, between turns and between phases.
Uit bogenoemde inhoud kan ons verstaan dat alhoewel die stroom van die hoogspanningsmotor klein is, die isolasiespanning van die windings hoog is, dus moet 'n spesiale isolasiestruktuur gebruik word om te verseker dat die elektriese werkverrigting van die motor aan die vereistes voldoen ; terwyl die laespanningmotor, omdat die isolasiespanning relatief hoog is. Daarom is die keuse van isolasiemateriaal relatief eenvoudig, maar stroomdigtheid, ventilasie en hitte-afvoer is die sleutelfaktore om die elektriese werkverrigting van die motor te verseker. Die stroom en spanning van die motor het verskillende invloede op dieisolerende materiaalen moet terselfdertyd in ag geneem word.